Exchange Rates Fixed by Nepal Rastra Bank Currency Unit Buying/Rs. Selling/Rs. Indian Rupee 100 160.00 160.15 ...
Exchange Rates Fixed by Nepal Rastra Bank Currency Unit Buying/Rs. Selling/Rs. Indian Rupee 100 160.00 160.15 ...
Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao Programme, ‘Balika Manch’ have been set up for girls in 5,268 government schools. In 1,536 schools, training in se...
Trishana Budathoki was born on 27th Ashad in Dhading. She has 3 siblings, one brother and two sisters. As for her education and schooling,...
Before we have seen the most dangerous airport in the world and now from the other side we get to see one of the most dangerous landings t...
Short Film Festival is a pioneering film festival in Nepal that showcases short films from Nepal and around the world. With 79 compelling ...
Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has expanded his Cabinet today, inducting 10 leaders from Nepali Congress as state ministers. At a spec...
Car Trial System in Nepal Baggikhana Kathmandu in HD . This prepared Demo video will greatly remove your confusion about trial system step...
यो निकै हृदयविदारक छ । ब्राजिलका फुटबल खेलाडीले विमान दुर्घटनामा मृत्युवरण गर्नु एक हप्ताअघि मात्र आफू बुवा बन्न लागेको खबर थाहा पाएका थिए...
A practical joke is a mischievous trick played on someone, generally causing the victim to experience embarrassment, perplexity, confusion...
Guaranteed vs. Non-Guaranteed Permanent Life Insurance Policies Fifty years ago, most life insurance policies sold were guaranteed and off...
Unmarried singer Komal Oli is known to come out with controversial songs in the ... Some of Komal's popular Teej songs. Komal Oli is a ...
Upcoming Nepali film Purano Dunga has released its first official trailer today. After getting popular from its very first song Nira Jahil...
Sadbhawana Party Vice-chairman Mrigendra Kumar Singh remarked that it is to be seen in the future as to how Dahal will play his role in ad...
Armed guys have abducted 3 UN refugee organisation staffers, which includes Nepali residents, from Sudan’s strife-torn Darfur region, AFP ...
One common complaint regarding the adjectival use of amazing is the extent to which the word is used in what some feel is a watered-down fa...
दरबार हत्याकान्डबारे हिमानी शाहको यस्तो रहस्यमय बयान/ बाहिरियो शनशनीपुर्ण
Alisha Rai all the way from Kapan, Kathmandu is all set to settle down in fashion and modeling world. Hardworking Alisha is already featur...
काठमाडौं, मंसिर १५ । संघीय गठबन्धनले उठाएका मागलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै मन्त्रिपरिषदको मंगलबार साँझ बसेको बैठकले संविधान संशोधनका लागि विभिन्न ...
Colombian officials say 76 people died when a plane crashed near Medellin late Monday. Five survived. A professional soccer team from sout...
काठमाडौं, १४ मंसिर । चुनावको मिति तय नभएसम्म भिडन्तकै अवस्थामा पनि जानुपर्ने एमालेको तयारी छ । त्यसका लागि एमालेले युवा संघ र विद्यार्थी...
Guaranteed vs. Non-Guaranteed Permanent Life Insurance Policies Fifty years ago, most life insurance policies sold were guaranteed and off...
तरकारीवाली, कन्चन शर्मा पछि इन्टरनेटमा अर्की एक महिला भाईरल बनिन्, म अबिवाहित हुँ तर...अभिव्यक्ति सहितको यो भिडियोमा पुरुषहरुलाई खुला च्या...
साधारण रुपमा महिलाहरु अनावश्यक गर्भबाट बच्नका लागि गर्भनिरोधक चक्कीको साहार लिने गर्दछन् । यी चक्कीले मुख भित्र आउने खटिरा र महिन...
The leopard is one of the five “big cats” in the genus Panthera. Leopards are known for their ability in climbing, and they are powerful s...
अक्षय कुमार तथा रजनीकान्त स्टारर '२.०'को हालै फस्ट लुक सार्वजनिक गरियो। फिल्म सन् २०१० मा रिलिज भएको 'रोबोट' फिल्मको...
गुल्मी – आफूलाई काली माता उत्रेको भन्दै गुल्मीको ऐतिहासिक चारपाला दरबारको ईश्वरी देवि मन्दिरमा त्यहाँका एक दलित युवती प्रवेश गरेर पुजा आ...
Baal Ho...( Straight Outta Dallas) Artist: Swami D & PSPN, Suni Sakya Actors: Umesh, Dipesh, Ray, Mara, Kayla, Karen, Audelia, Carlee, S...
रोल्पा, १४ मंसिर । रोल्पा लगायत पश्चिमका पहाडी जिल्लालाई ५ नम्बर प्रदेशबाट अलग्याउन लागेको विरोधमा मंगलबार रोल्पा बन्द गरिएको छ । सरका...
Thursday is dedicated to alleviating the bad influence of Lord S hani. The Vrat on this day is mainly observed by those people who believe ...
Nepal is a poor landlocked country located on south east of Asia. Though it is rich on all kinds of core resources but still it is poor cou...
Senior orthopedic surgeon at Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH), Dr Govinda KC on Sunday started his tenth hunger strike putting...
काठमाडौं, १४ मंसिर । सरकारले गरेको सीमांकन हेरफेरसहित संविधान संशोधनको तयारी तत्काल रोक लगाउन अन्तरिम आदेशको माग गर्दै सर्वोच्च अदालतमा ...
१४ मंसिर, काठमाडौं । सुडानस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघीय शरणार्थीसम्बन्धी उच्चायोगको कार्यालयमा कार्यरत दुई नेपाली विद्रोही समूहको अपहरणमा ...
Kanchan Sharma Regmi has became viral on social media who brought storm in media with her interview on a talk show Suman Sanga at Kantipur...
Meri Bassai episode 486 Nepali Comedy 28 June 2016 Full Episode. ‘Meri Bassai’ is a popular Nepali comedy show that airs on Nepal Televisio...
Guaranteed vs. Non-Guaranteed Permanent Life Insurance Policies Fifty years ago, most life insurance policies sold were guaranteed and of...
Traditional Nepali sarangi are made up of a single piece of wood having a neck and hollowed-out double-chambered body; they are often made...
१३ मङ्सिर, बाबियाचौर (म्याग्दी) । म्याग्दीको नारच्याङ–१ मा घलेम्दी खोला जलविद्युत् आयोजनाको ६० प्रतिशत सुरुङ निर्माण भएको छ । घलेम्दी हा...
Parasites are a small organism that lives in another organism which is supposed to be it’s host. There are the various parasites that exist ...
पर्वत, १४ मंसिर - पर्वतको मोदीखोलामा अग्लो र लामो झोलुङ्गे पुल निर्माण भएको छ । पर्वत सदरमुकाम कुश्मालाई फलेबास क्षेत्रसँग जोड्न मोदीखोलाम...
Prank videos are on trend these days, people loves to make out fun of others. Thye loves to confuse and puzzle them and make their joke. P...
This incredible video is filmed in north-west Tanzania of East Africa. Three lions have grabbed a young calf from the herd. Those three l...
of the American Skydiver on the world of stunt is been able to keep the world record. He is the first person to dive without parachute from...
Piyah Martell, a tr@n$gen*der is star teenager born with Caudal Regression Syndrome i.e she was born with the tiny legs and can not walk ...
मानिसहरुमा अस्वास्थ्यकर खाना तथा रहनसहनका कारण बिभिन्न रोगहरु लाग्ने गरेको पाइन्छ । यस्ता खानबाट हाम्रो शरिरमा बिभिन्न खराबी तत्वहरुको का...
People d!es in love, as we heard many love stories which were true was been able to set the name of true love but they never met and their ...
काठमाडौं । प्रधानमन्त्री प्रचण्ड आइतबार बारास्थित रामदेवको शिविरमा प्रम्ख अतिथि बनेका थिए । शिविरमा छोटो समय विताएका प्रधानमन्त्रीले आतिथ...
१३ मंसिर, रोल्पा । संविधान संशोधनमार्फत ५ नम्बर प्रदेशबाट रोल्पा जिल्ला छुट्याउन लागेको भन्दै चरणबद्ध आन्दोलनमा उत्रिएका रोल्पालीले आज आध...
मिडियामा यी महिलाको तस्वीर तथा तस्वीरसँग गाँसिएको कथा खुबै भाइरल बनेको छ । यो तस्वीर आखिर यस्तो खतरनाक तस्वीर हो, जसले यी महिलाको वैवाहिक ...
काठमाडौं १३ मंसिर । आज बालाचतुर्दशी दिवंगत आफन्तजनको आत्माको चिरशान्तिको कामना गर्दै काठमाडौंको पशुपतिनाथ क्षेत्रको श्लेषान्तक वनसहित दे...
Most dieting and health advice focuses on losing fat, not gaining it. Accordingly, you may be at a loss for information about how to prope...
काठमाडौं, संघीय समाजवादी फोरम नेपालका केन्द्रीय सदस्य मृत्युञ्जय झामाथि आफ्नै पार्टीबाट कारबाहीमा परेका कार्यकर्ताले विराटनगरमा संघातिक...
Goose are one kind of bird that can fly as well as walk. In this video you can see something so amazing. These days social site has gained...
Guaranteed vs. Non-Guaranteed Permanent Life Insurance Policies Fifty years ago, most life insurance policies sold were guaranteed and off...
Women from India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Pakistan, and the Philippines travel willingly to the U.A.E. to work...
ew Nepali Pop Song "Nashalu" by Sunil Magar featuring Mala Limbu Vocal: Sunil Magar Lyrics / Music: Raj Shahi Arranger: Gopal ...
मात्र पार्टनरसंग सेक्स गरून, यो जरूरी हुँदैन । गार्डियनमा छापिएको एक खबर अनुसार इङ्गल्याण्डको शेफील्डमा बस्ने एक जना महिलाका अनुसार उनले...