Teriya Magar’s winning spree continues. Leaving behind popular contestants Salman Yusuff Khan and Shantanu Maheshwari, Nepali sensation, Teriya has emerged as the winner of Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa season 9, hosted by Maneish Paul. The grand finale, which was high on great performances and perfect scores, saw the teenager from the neighbouring country, grab the maximum audience votes and emerge as the winner of the celebrity dance reality show, which was judged by karan Johar, Farah Khan, Jacqueline Fernandez and Ganesh Hegde. The finale episode also had actor Hrithik Roshan coming over to promote his film Kaabil, and encourage the finalists. Teriya took home the winning trophy and cash prize worth Rs 30 lakh. The evening also witnessed some performances by the judges and Hrithik Roshan. The actor shook a leg with the show’s judges Jacqueline, Karan, Farah and Ganesh to his song You Are My Sonia.On winning the show, Teriya Magar said, “Words can’t begin to describe what Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa
means to me. Dance is my passion, my one true love, and today, it has brought me to a new destination.” She thanked choreographer Rishikaysh and dance partner Aryan for standing by her.

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