Nepali comedy at its peak and are still uplifting the video comedy from every possible angle. Likewise comedians (writers/directors) Sailendra Simkhada, Shamde Sherpa, Shiva Hari Poudel, Deepk Raj Giri, Jitu Nepal, Manoj Gajurel, Daman Rupakheti, Kedar Prassad Ghimire (Magnebudo), Sitaram Kattel, Prakash subedi, Mohan Mishra, etc and comedians (actors/actress) late Gopal Raj Mainali, Bashundhara Bhushal, Ananda Thapa, Kiran KC, Raja Ram Paudel, Laxmi Gri, Narad Khatiwada, , Niraj NepalRashmi Timalsina, Kumar Kattel, Arjun Ghimire, etc are giving their best to promote Nepali video comedy and help people to laugh and just laugh by forgetting their pain and sorrows. Let’s give a big salute to all the comedians of Nepal who does all the hard work and brings happiness on common people’s face.

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