There is a lack of confidence between
Madhesi people and the Nepali state. Madhesis want to be equal citizens
of this country but the major political parties view their demands as
communal and even against the national interests.Rulers have since long
adopted a policy of exclusion vis-a-vis Madhesis. Madhesis are targeted
by security agencies for raising their voice. Madhesis’ concerns require
multi-pronged strategies on the part of the government.
Behaviour neutrality in executive,
judiciary and legislature, even journalism, is necessary to address the
concerns of the marginalised communities, including Madhesis.
There are problems in Madhes but the
irony is that Madhesi leaders play with the sentiments of Madhes. They
speak different languages to suit the interests of the audiences. In
fact, Madhesi leaders use one kind of language when they are in
opposition and they use different language when they are in power or in
government positions. Madhesi leaders give fiery speeches when they
address crowds on the road
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