U.K. and British Anaesthetists who came and helped us during the initial stages to run the surgical services smoothly. For the past two decades of our own anaesthetists have been helping us. Thanks to the effort, dedication and hard work of one anaesthetist colleague who has helped to bring paediatric surgery at K.C.H. to today’s standard. This hospital is the only pace in the whole of kingdom where newborn surgery is being undertaken on a regular basis. This is a realatively new branch of surgery and was started in the year 2040 B.S. the results of newborn surgery were far from satisfactory and the post operative mortality was unacceptably high. Before f1950s even in the developed world they had the same scenario. After 1950s the concept of neonatal surgical intensive care was established in the West and following that had a grand success with almost 100% survival following operation for most of the salvageable and manageable congenital defects.

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