The animal kingdom and a report by Thomas Thwaites from the frontline of Goatland. There, our intrepid correspondent satisfies his curiosity sufficiently to enable him to answer the question: what would it be like to be a goat? Thwaites, a designer known for creating a toaster from the crumbs up found he had room in his life for another quirk. So he set out to create a goat exo­skeleton, plus a prosthetic stomach to aid grass digestion, after taking advice from ethologists, neuroscientists and goatherds. And then he headed to the Alps to join a herd. Thwaites relates that it’s hard work being a goat, what with all that mountaineering, plus remembering not to challenge the boss goat by climbing higher than him. Thwaites origin­ally proposed stepping outside the human psyche by adopting the traits of an elephant but, despite being granted funding by an arts organisation, settled on the less-challenging goat mode

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