Nepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba has revealed that three big political parties have agreed to hold local body election on the old structure. Addressing a gathering of newly elected office bearers of Nepal Tarun Dal at party office Sanepa on Tuesday, President Deuba said the parties were bound to hold local body election in the old structures as part of the implementation of the constitution. As the country has adopted federalism, there was no alternative to holding elections in all three levels by January 2018.”NC is shouldering the responsibility of implementing constitution at present. However, all parties should stand together for this,” he said, arguing the constitution amendment was forwarded to bridge the gap between hill and Madhesi people. Arguing that the country would see the aura of elections after some days, President Deuba directed the party leaders and cadres to engage with people to draw maximum votes.He informed that the central department would be formed soon in the party by incorporating Nepal Tarun Dal. The President urged the Tarun Dal to play significant role during the coming elections.On the occasion, senior leader Ram Chandra Poudel said the party rank and file needs to stand firm, for the country is not faring well. He urged the party leadership to garner UML’s support for constitution amendment. Stressing the need of moving ahead by incorporating the sentiments of Madhesi people, he expressed the belief that the NC would be stronger if the Tarun Dal would move ahead by following the party’s norms, values and characteristics. Similarly, leader Bal Krishna Khand said that Tarun Dal is the organisation of youths, so its role would be important to consolidate party organisation.

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