Speaking on the occasion, Madhav Prasad Bhatta, promoter of Nepal Credit and Commerce (NCC) Bank, who was invited as the chief guest of the program, said that participation, honesty and cooperation are the three essential keys to be followed while running cooperatives. Unlike in banks and financial institutes (BFIs), every shareholder – irrespective of how many shares they hold – enjoy equal right in cooperatives.
Bhatta stressed on the need to spread awareness of education on cooperatives among the people and suggested not to invest in a single field, saying that it will be risky as well as breach the norms and principles of the cooperatives.Commenting on the financial report submitted at the AGM, Rishiram Dhakal, a shareholder, said that the AGM report bereft of name-list of shareholders and staffers’ salary details while Madhav Prasad Bhatta called for timely holding of the AGM.
Pro-Ed Multipurpose Co-operatives had been established on February 13, 2008 embracing the norms, values and principles of cooperatives.
Similarly, the ninth AGM promoted Madhav Prasad Bhatta to the post of coordinator of the advisory committee while Dr. Narayan Prasad Chudal to the post of executive member. Previously Dr. Chudal was the member of Account and Supervision Committee of the Pro-Ed Cooperative.
The annual report was presented by Nawaraj Bhandari on behalf of the Account and Supervision Committee while the program was conducted by Subhash Chandra Bhandari.

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