Fourteen-year-old Teriya Fauja Magar of Nepal has won the Indian dance reality television programme ‘Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa’. Magar, who hails from Rudrapur in Rupandehi, competed with senior Indian dance stars in the show aired by Indian television channel Colors every Saturday.
The winner was announced on the basis of SMS votings. Teriya won the title for obtaining maximum number of votes. However, the formal announcement of her victory will be made on Saturday’s programme.
Teriya’s grandfather Krishna Fauja Magar, who is in Mumbai, said the organisers have officially informed him about her victory which was revealed through the results of SMS voting.
The winner at the show will bag a car and cash purse of IRS 3,000,000, the maximum in the history of Indian television reality shows.
In 2014, Teriya had walked away with the title honour at the popular Indian reality television show Dance India Dance Little Master. That same year, she was also honoured with Lumbini Peace Ambassador, conferred by the then Deputy Prime Minister Prakash Man Singh. The show will be judged by Karan Johar, Jacqueline Fernandez and Ganesh Hegde.
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