Sonakshi Sinha says the reason behind her picking Ittefaq is because the film challenges the actor in her. Throughout her career till now, Sonakshi’s choice of films has always been interesting. She portrayed a new side of her in 2016 with two action-packed films – Akira and Force 2. Up next, she will be working in Ittefaq which is a murder mystery. The film also stars Sidharth Malhotra.
Ittefaq is a remake of Yash Chopra’s 1969 film, which starred the late veteran actor Rajesh Khanna. In an interview to HT, the 29-year-old actor said that the story demanded her character to be played from two perspectives, which kind of intrigued her to get on to sign the film.
“The story demands the character to be played from two perspectives. I found that interesting. It’s not completely black or white. It has some grey areas too, and that’s what drew me towards this film,” Sonakshi said.
She added that in terms of relatability, her character in her another upcoming film Noor is more similar to how she is in real life and that’s what she loves about playing it on screen.

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