Chairman of Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP), Kamal Thapa, has said every patriotic Nepali should honour Prithvi Narayan Shah. At a programme his party organised in Capital on Tuesday, Chairman Thapa said the government must announce public holiday to celebrate the Prithvi Jayanti. ‘Although forgotten to mark the day after the second people’s movement, this mistake must be corrected,’ he underscored, wondering that the President, Vice-President and main leaders of various political parties have voiced for celebration of the national unity day, so why there was qualm over making official decision from the government. Similarly, leader Pashupati Shumsher Rana reminded that the role of Prithvi Narayan Shah was immense to keep the country intact. CPN-ML General Secretary CP Mainali said annexation of petty states into unified nation made Nepal popular among the world. Academician and historian Dr Dinesh Raj Pant said those willing to embrace modern Nepal cannot forget the unification spearheaded by Prithvi Narayan Shah. On the occasion, former Chief of Army Staff, Pyar Jung Thapa said Prithvi Narayan Shah’s farsightedness was remarkable for building modern Nepal.

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