Om Puri shared a lot of time onscreen as well as offscreen. The duo were close friends and worked in several movies including Jaane Bhi Do Yaron and Mirch Masala. Naseeruddin Shah expressed his condolences for Om Puri and called him as a brilliant and talented actor. The actor took to Twitter and shared, “We have lost very brilliant and talented actor it’s very big loss of our country and film industry rest and peace.”In an interview with DNA, Naseeruddin spoke at length about Om Puri. “But his personal problems  in which I did not intervene at all  had left his mental and physical health in a shambles. I know for a fact that Om was really suffering during the last few years. And there was no way out of it. Though his death was sudden, I can’t say it was totally unexpected. In a way, death has relieved him of all the stress, and that includes the bad films he took on, I presume for financial reasons. Om took all the criticism on his chin, ” said the actor. 

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