फोटो इकान्तिपुर बाट सुनसरी १७ माघ – सुनसरीको इटहरी वडा नं. १४ खनारमा सोमबार दिउँसो प्रहरी र आपराधिक गिरोहमा संलग्न व्यक्तिबीच गोली हा...
फोटो इकान्तिपुर बाट सुनसरी १७ माघ – सुनसरीको इटहरी वडा नं. १४ खनारमा सोमबार दिउँसो प्रहरी र आपराधिक गिरोहमा संलग्न व्यक्तिबीच गोली हा...
Chairman of Rastriya Janamorcha Nepal, Chitra Bahadur KC, has said there was risk of Nepal disintegrating if hilly and Tarai regions were ...
Dohori music is Nepali people melodies. Dohori implies from two side or an open deliberation. This level headed discussion is in beat, and...
A society is a group of people involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social grouping sharing the same geographical or soci...
Hetauda Bazaar locals have enforced a town shutdown for the last two days to protest the demolition of homes and business establishments c...
काठमाडौँ, १३ माघ । तपाईको घरमा नेपाल विद्युत् प्राधिकरणका कर्मचारी आएर मिटर रिडिङ गरेका छैनन् । अथवा तपाई को घरमा उठेको भन्दा कम वा बढ...
The list of transfer was made public by the Human Resources Development Department of Nepal Police. The transfer was delayed for months du...
Police on Friday fired 11 rounds of rubber bullets to take the situation under control that went tense after the locals clashed with the f...
`धुर्मुस सुन्तली´ जस्ता देश प्रेमी ले बनाउदै गरेको एकीकृत नमुना मुसहर बस्ती यसरी बन्दै छ
Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa Season 9 on Saturday. She outscored accomplished dancers like Salman Yusuff Khan and Shantanu Maheshwari and accepted h...
The market today is awash with books related to the Maoist insurgency. For the past decade, the conflict has served as a great fodder for ...
काठमाडौं, १२ माघ । मेलम्चीको पाइप बिछ्याउन सडक खनिएपछि चाबहिल र गौशाला क्षेत्र पनि हप्तौँदेखि अस्तव्यस्त छ । बिहानदेखि बेलुकीसम्मै त्यहा...
Teriya Magar’s winning spree continues. Leaving behind popular contestants Salman Yusuff Khan and Shantanu Maheshwari, Nepali sensation,...
Youth accused of piracy of the blockbuster Chhakka Panja has committed suicide.25 year old Krishna Subedi, originally from Nawalparasi di...
काठमाडौं ९ माघ – व्यापारीसँग मिलेर लोडसेडिङ बढाउन मद्दत गरेको र बिजुलीको मिटर बिगारेर चुहावट गरेको भन्दै प्रहरीले नेपाल विद्युत प्राधिकरणक...
After winning Dance India Dance Li’l Masters, Teriya Magar once again did the happy dance when she was announced the winner of Jhalak Dikh...
नेपालमा बसेर नेपालको पहिचानले विश्वमा चिनिने , विदेश जादा पासपोर्ट नेपाली बोकेर हिड्ने अनि मधेशमा बसेर नेपालबाट मधेश अलग गर्न खोज्ने भन्दै ...
चलचित्र ‘पर्व’को सुटिङ सेटबाट फर्कँदै गर्दा शनिबार राति नायिका नम्रता श्रेष्ठ दुर्घटनामा परेकी छिन् । काठमाण्डौको नयाँ बानेश्वर चोकमा नम्र...
Due to the earthquake many people are injured as well as they lost their homes. The homes and the Economic structure are in the process of ...
The Hetauda Bazaar reopened on Thursday following a two-day strike by local businessmen in protest of the demolition of the houses along th...
Love is something that is hard to some people and some gets easy with it. In love nothing is seen whatever the people is whether their ca...
काठमाडौं– चलचित्र छक्कापन्जा पाइरेसी प्रकरणमा एक युवाले आत्महत्या गरेसँगै विवादमा तानिएका निर्माता तथा कलाकार दीपकराज गिरीले शनिबार प्र...
काठमाडौं, ८ माघ ।केहि समय अघि बाग्मती सरसफाइ अभियानको अगुवाई गरेका पूर्व मुख्यसचिव लीलामणि पौडेल अहिले चीनका लागि नेपाली राजदुत बनेर बे...
Facebook is an American for-profit corporation and online social media and social networking service based in Menlo Park, California. The ...
President at the Development Committee under the Legislature-Parliament, Rabindra Adhikari, while tabling monitoring and evaluation report ...
Fourteen-year-old Teriya Fauja Magar of Nepal has won the Indian dance reality television programme ‘Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa’. Magar, who ...
काठमाडौं ७ माघ – नेकपा क्रान्तिकारी माओवादी का नेता सीपी गजुरेलले राष्टियता र मुलुकको समृद्धिको कुरामा एमाले स्पष्ट र धारिलो देखिएको टिप...
The Publication Nepal~laya is releasing English edition of former Chief of Army Staff Rookmangud Katawal’s autobiography this week. The or...
तेजु अर्यालको स्वर तथा शब्दमा रहेको एवं स्वर्गीय धन बहादुर गुरुङ्गको आवाजमा रहेको देश भक्ति गीत “जुन माटोमा मैले ” भन्ने अत्यन्तै मर्म स्प...
काठमाडौं – समय समयमा प्रवासी नेपाली (बेलायावासी) नेपाली हरु पनि रमाइलो गर्दै बन भोज तिर लाग्ने गर्छन… तेस्तै यो पनि एउटा रमाइलो पल जसमा १५० ...
काठमाडौं – औषधी सेवनबाट गर्भपतन गराउने संख्या बढ्दै गएको छ । जनस्वास्थ्य कार्यालयका सुचना अधिकारी हरिओम पोखरेलका अनुसार गत २ बर्षको अवधि...
President Bidya Devi Bhandari attended a special function organised to mark the Chinese New Year in the capital on Thursday. The event also ...
In a bid to reduce intake, and control and regulate the use of cigarette and tobacco, the government will now permit the sale of tobacco p...
The government has failed to pricing the boiler chicken that's why the farmer is in trouble. Due to the lack of uniformity in pricin...
This Video will Forecast your yearly planetary movements that affect your life. Your Daily Forecast can predict: A Horoscope is a person...
Believing that news is for everyone and all the people have an equal right to receive true and factual information at anytime, anywhere.We ...
resident-elect Donald Trump’s Cadillac One limousine is set to make its debut on Inauguration Day. The first look at the presidential car a...
Last month on 4th of Asoj, a very terr!fy!ng inc!dent has taken place. At around 9 PM of 3rd of Asoj, lights of the entire Kathmandu vall...
Bhandafor dot com is a program which is run by the Image channel and in this program there is different crime news are exposed. Now in this...
Chalchitra is a program which is shown in the Image channel. And in this episode we can see the interview with Keki Adhikari. Keki Adhikari...
Many peoples are suffering from the traffic jams in Kathmandu. Due to the high population, narrow road and not well managed road the peop...
Rekha Thapa and Komal Oli are strictly involved in the political party RPP. At an event held at Prithivi Jayanti, Rekha Thapa and Komal Oli...
Believing that news is for everyone and all the people have an equal right to receive true and factual information at anytime, anywhere.W...
CPN-UML Vice-Chairperson Bhim Rawal has urged the government to immediately withdraw the constitution amendment bill registered at the par...
In an apparent suicide, famous Nepali rapper Anil Adhikari, widely known as Yama Buddha, has been found dead here on Saturday morning. Adh...
ट्रम्पले आफूमाथि यौन दुरव्यहार गरेको भन्दै बाहिर आएका धेरै महिला मध्ये एक ४१ वर्षकी समर जर्वासले ट्रम्प विरुद्ध मानहानीको मुद्दा दायर गरे...
काठमाडौँ, यातायात व्यवस्था विभागले सार्वजनिक यातायातलाई व्यवस्थित गर्न काठमाडौँ उपत्यकामा साना सवारीसाधनलाई क्रमिक रुपमा हटाउने भएको छ । ...
Manisha Koirala is a Nepalese actress known for her work in Indian cinema, as well as a UNFPA Goodwill Ambassador and social activist. Koi...
Khagendra Lamichhane is a Nepali actor and writer.He is best known for his work in Talakjung vs Tulke and Pashupati Prasad.He is now prepar...
Norvic International Hospital is the 1st private hospital to introduce the Cardiac Catheterization Lab in the country, we offer one of the ...
Believing that news is for everyone and all the people have an equal right to receive true and factual information at anytime, anywhere.We ...
This Video will Forecast your yearly planetary movements that affect your life. Your Daily Forecast can predict: A Horoscope is a person...
Yama Buddha is one of the great rapper of Nepal. He had sang many songs and this is also one of the song sang by the Yama Buddha named k...
Entertainment is a form of activity that holds the attention and interest of an audience, or gives pleasure and delight. It can be an idea...
THAMEL BAZAR – LOOT 2 New Movie Song ft, Dayahang Rai Scroll Down for A Princess Movies & Black Horse Pictures Production Popcorn Pic...
Yama Buddha is one of the great rapper of Nepal. He had sang many songs and this is also one of the song sang by the Yama Buddha named kal...
Since 1984 A.D, Bhat-Bhateni has grown from a ‘single shutter’ 120 sq. ft. cold store to become the leading supermarket and departmental s...
रामेछाप- जिल्लाको मझुवा गाउँ विकास समिति १ को निगालपानीमा करिव २ महिना अघि भएको रहस्मय सुमो आगलागिको घटनामा संलग्न २ अभियुक्तलाई जिल्ला प्...
Nepal’s Opposition leader and former prime minister KP Sharma Oli today refused to let the the Constitution amendment bill, aimed at add...
Popular rapper Yama Buddha (29) is no more.His body was recovered from the bathroom of his house in South Harrow, London, on Saturday morn...
दमक,४ माघ – जन्म दर्ता प्रभावकारी बनाउन झापाको लखनपुर गाविसले “ह्याप्पी बेबी गिफ्ट प्याक” उपहार कार्यक्रम सुरु गरेको छ ।यही माघ १ गतेदेख...
Meri bassai is one of the best nepali tv serial broadcasting from nepal television.telecast every tuesday with new story and new circumta...
बर्ष २०७३ मा नेपालले धेरै चर्चित सेलिब्रेटी गुमाएको छ। नेपाली कला क्षेत्रका लब्धप्रतिष्ठित व्...
The wedding ceremony of Dr Nisha Kusum Bhandari, daughter of President Bidya Devi Bhandari, was solemnised at Sheetal Niwas on Monday. Br...
What the flop is TV Show program aired by Kantipur Tv hosted by Sandeep. There is no Top Stories section, no video clip and anything that ...
Nepali Comedy Hakka Hakki is a latest Nepali comedy serial broadcasting in nepal television every Sunday at 8:50 PM. It represents nepali ...
काठमाडौं, १ माघ । प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहाल ‘प्रचण्ड’ले सरकारमा सहभागी हुन गरेको प्रस्तावलाई राष्ट्रिय प्रजातन्त्र पार्टी र मधेसी जनअ...
Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has said the experience and the capital earned by Nepalis working abroad is the foundation f...
भारतीय चर्चित कोरियोग्राफर युवा तथा डान्सर टेरेन्स ल्विस र निशा अधिकारीले सुरु गरे 'एन्ड चैम्प फिनाले'को सुरुवात
Popular rapper Yama Buddha (29) is no more.His body was recovered from the bathroom of his house in South Harrow, London, on Saturday morn...