काठमाडौं, २५ फागुन । कालोबजारी तथा ठगी मुद्दामा फरार केएल दुगड ग्रुपका सञ्चालकहरू किसनलाल दुडग, नरेश दुगड, कुमुद दुगड र विकास दुगडलगायतक...
Dhurmus Speaks About Gold Smuggling
There are the news viral in the social media that the Dhurmus and suntali are involved in the Gold smuggling last time. Many people said ...
Sidha Kura Janata Sanga | Episode- 37
elieving that news is for everyone and all the people have an equal right to receive true and factual information at anytime, anywhere.We...
Update: Sapthari Incident

Update: Four persons have died in Monday’s Saptari incident and 12 others were injured in a clash that took place between cadres of Madhesi...
Today' Horoscopes | March 08, 2017
Watch Daily Rasifal Video: Find out where the planets are today! Thursday is dedicated to alleviating the bad influence of Lord S hani. ...
A Nepali woman

A Nepali woman, ‘be bold for change’ means to respect the teachings and morality of my family and society but also having the courage to s...
Women theft gold chain in Akarshak Jwellery Pokhara

Guaranteed vs. Non-Guaranteed Permanent Life Insurance Policies Fifty years ago, most life insurance policies sold were guaranteed and off...
OMG! This is how women are checked in Exam Halls
life insurance policies sold were guaranteed and offered by mutual fund companies. Choices were limited to term, endowment or whole life...
Guaranteed vs. Non-Guaranteed Permanent Life Insurance Policies

Guaranteed vs. Non-Guaranteed Permanent Life Insurance Policies Fifty years ago, most life insurance policies sold were guaranteed and off...
Nepal cricket squad announced for Kenya matches
A 19-member cricket team of Nepal has been named for India tour to prepare for the ICC World Cricket League Championship fixtures against...
Update: 4 killed, 12 others injured in clash
Update: Four persons have died in Monday’s Saptari incident and 12 others were injured in a clash that took place between cadres of Madhe...
Today' Horoscopes | March 07, 2017

Watch Daily Rasifal Video: Find out where the planets are today! Watch Today's Daily Horoscopes published in Image Tv. Thursday is ...
काठमाडौंको बिचित्रको यौन बजारः दलाल भन्छन् पैसो फ्याक हिरोइन पनि मिलाइदिन्छु
यौनधन्दा हुने इलाकाहरूमा बग्रेल्ती दलाल हुन्छन् । ग्राहक र यौनकर्मी, यी दुई पक्षको बीचमा बसेर नाफा खाइदिनु उनीहरूको धन्दा हो । आफूलाई ‘ग...
यी युवतीको बबाल डान्स यस्तो डान्स साएदै तपाइले कहिले देख्नु भएको थिएँन होला ! कलेज पढ्ने

यी युवतीको बबाल डान्स यस्तो डान्स साएदै तपाइले कहिले देख्नु भएको थिएँन होला ! कलेज पढ्ने
Good News for those who wants to join Rabindra Mishra new party

Rabindra Mishra is one of the most powerful journalists who is popular due to his interview presentation that is broadcast on BBC Nepal. To...
बेलैमा सचेत हुनुस्, हृदयघात हुन सक्ने लक्षण यी हुन्
काठमाडौं — धेरै मानिसको मुटुरोगका कारण मृत्यु हुन्छ । आजकल त युवा अवस्थामै मुटुरोग वा हृदयघात भएर मर्ने व्यक्तिको संख्या बढ्दो छ । तर हृ...
नगरकोटका होटलमा यौन क्रियाकलापमा संलग्न १४ जना रंगेहात पक्राउ -
भक्तपुर, १५ फागुन । भक्तपुरस्थित नगरकोटका होटलमा यौन क्रियाकलापमा संलग्न १४ जना रंगेहात पक्राउ परेका छन् । केन्द्रीय प्रहरी समाचार कक्षक...
Komal Oli Quits Radio Nepal To serve the country

Here in this video we can see the speech of Komal Oli about entering in the politics. She is in the politics to serve the nation. Popular f...
मलेसियामा उत्पात मच्याएकी रिया श्रेष्ठको फेरी अर्को आयो बजार तताउने ठमेल बजार डान्स हेर्नुहोस >>>{भिडियो सहित}
सेकेन्ड लामो उक्त भिडियोमा ‘ठमेल बजार’ भन्ने गीतमा नायिका तथा मोडल रिया श्रेष्ठले अश्लीलता पस्किदैँ आफूले लगाएको बाहिरी वस्त्र बिस्तारै–...
अब कोठी हैन कोठामा यस्तो गर्न थाले

नेपाली चेलीहरुले किन यति सम्म गर्न थाले ! हेर्नुहोस् मलेसिया रिया श्रेष्ठ देखि ज्योति मगर हुदै आज दिल्लीको बारमा नेपाली युवतिहरुको घिनलाग्...
ऐश्वर्या रायको यस्तो हट फोटो भिडियो सामाजिक संजालमा भाइरल

You can’t help but be bowled over by Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s beauty – the actress had that effect on the audience in her last release ‘Ae...
Radhika Sunar case: Police men accused of raping and killing 24 years old girl

Learn how to make Tomato Ketchup at home an basic recipe with The Bombay Chef Varun Inamdar. Be it french fries, sandwich or pizza nothing ...
Miss Nepal 2014 Subin Limbu

Subin Limbu has been crowned as Miss Nepal 2014 in a glittering grand finale of the beauty pageant organised at the Army Officers Club in ...
सप्तरीको राजबिराजमा एमालेको कार्यक्रम भएको ठाउँमा गोलि चल्यो १ जनाको मृत्यु – थप बिवरण आउन बाँकि
राजविराज २३ फागुन – सप्तरीको राजविराजमा प्रहरीको गोली लागेर एकजनाको मृत्यु भएको छ । सोमबार एमालेको मेची महाकाली अभियानको कार्यक्रम सकिएपछ...
CIB Report - 33-kg gold smuggling case
team of Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) of the Nepal Police on Sunday arrested Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Shyam Khatri in ...
Unmarried miss Nepal (UPDATE)
Here in this video we can able to see the list of Miss Nepal who are still unmarried.
Smallest Country in the World

The Principality of Sealand is an unrecognised micronation that claims Roughs Tower, an offshore platform located in the North Sea approx...
Consumers are being robbed by the Oli Corporation (Khoj Khabar)
People are being robbed by the Oil corporation nowadays. Due to the lack of good management of oil product in Birjung there is the lack o...
Rabindra Mishra on Sagoon V2.0 Launching Program #Sagoon
Here in this video we can see the speech of Rabindra Mishra in Sagoon. Rabindra Mishra the well known social leader supporting sagoon glo...
शिशु जन्मिएको कति दिनपछि यौनसम्पर्क गर्ने

शिशु जन्मिएपछि कति दिनसम्म यौनसम्पर्क गर्नु हुँदैन ? शिशुको जन्मपछि यौनसम्पर्क गर्दा वीर्य -शुक्रकीट योनिमा झर्दा गर्भ रहन्छ कि रहँदैन ? त...
Sandip Chhetri and His Whimsical Sense of Humour - Full Episode

Sandip Chhetri is one of the comedian in the market. He runs a show in the Kantipur television named what the flop, which is one of the pop...
Why liver is filled with fat? - Health Tips for better Life

Fatty liver is a reversible condition wherein large vacuoles of triglyceride fat accumulate in liver cells via the process of steatosis. D...
Hair Loss - How to Use Aloe Vera for Hair Loss - Aloe Vera for Hair Loss

Aloe vera is rich in amino acids and protein, which is good for a healthy hair. Since hair comprises of protein called keratin, you need m...
Talk with the actors of the new movie Darpan Chhaya 2 || Pushpal Khadka & Shraddha Prasai

Here in this video we can see the talk with the actors of the new movie Darpan Chhaya 2 Pushpal Khadka & Shraddha Prasai about the thei...
Main smuggler of 33 kg gold
The people involving in the gold smuggling last time are still under police station. But the main boss of the gold smuggler is still free...
Today' Horoscopes | March 06, 2017
hursday is dedicated to alleviating the bad influence of Lord S hani. The Vrat on this day is mainly observed by those people who believe...
Events to mark International Women’s Day

The government has made preparation to mark the 107th International Women’s Day in an effective manner on March 8. The President’s Women Up...
Popular songstress Komal Oli

Popular songstress Komal Oli performed during a show held at the Dang Commercial and Tourism Festival at Ghorahi, Dang, on Friday. The si...
Niti Shah | Aditi Budhathoki

Blazers have always been a statement piece for me as it instantly gives that formal and smart look. They say a well-fitted suit is a must-...
Nepal Vs Indea Wrestling In Pokhara

After High School education I joined Royal Nepalese army and served my nation for 11 years. During that time I had lots of opportunities to ...
Madhav Prasad Ghimire Speech

On his nineties and preparing for his100th birthday, Poet Laureate Madhav Prasad Ghimire is living an active life. Recently felicitated wi...
प्रत्येक वर्ष राजा वीरेन्द्रका परिवारको सम्पत्ति खोजिने

काठमाडौँ, २२ फागुन । नेपाल ट्रष्टको कार्यालयले प्रत्येक वर्ष १० जिल्लामा तत्कालीन राजा वीरेन्द्र तथा उनका परिवारको नाममा रहेको अचल सम्पत्...
सेतो डङ्गुर गिद्धः विश्वकै सम्पत्ति
चितवन निकुञ्जमा बच्चासहित गिद्ध चितवन राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्जको कसरामा रहेको गिद्ध प्रजनन केन्द्रमा सिसि क्यामराबाट लिइएको बच्चासहितको गिद्ध ...
Buddi Tamang (Hait) Celebration

Hait is well known “Thego” by famous actor Buddhi Tamang. Buddhi Tamang is popular in Tele Serial and Nepali Movies Industry. Here we are ...
मधेशी मोर्चामाथि भीम रावलको हमला, भने–अर्काको दूताबासमा भात खानेले जनताको हितमा केहि गर्न सक्दैनन्
इटहरी, २२ फागुन । नेकपा एमालेले नेपाली कांग्रेस, नेकपा माओवादी केन्द्र र मधेसी मोर्चाले जनताको हितमा कुनै काम गर्न नसक्ने दाबी गरेको छ।...
यौन शरिरको आवश्यकता हो, सबैले सिक्नु पर्छ
सम्झना शाक्य (मां प्रेम प्रार्थना) प्रेम र यौनलाई नेपाली समाजमा बर्जित बिषयको रुपमा लिईन्छ । तर माया त माया हो । समाजले, धर्मले जति बर्जित...
Komalsari G C&Sagar Abiral GC

Music of Nepal alludes to the different musical kinds heard in Nepal. With more than fifty ethnic gatherings, the music of the nation is v...
Famous Bollywood aoctor Amitabh Bachchan

Amitabh Harivansh Rai Shrivastava Bachchan is an Indian film actor. He first gained popularity in the early 1970s for movies like Zanjeer ...
मेचीमहाकाली अभियानको पहिलो दिन नै एमाले प्रवेशको ताँती: कांग्रेस माओवादी परित्याग गरि झापामा हजार भन्दा बढी एमाले प्रबेशf
झापा, २२ पुस । नेकपा एमालेले पूर्वको काकडभिट्टाबाट शनिबारदेखि शुभारम्भ गरेको मेची–महाकाली राष्ट्रिय अभियानका क्रममा पार्टी प्रवेश गर्न...
Bishwendra Paswan Speech

Bishwendra Paswan who has been on a fast- onto-death since the past eight days with a charter of various demands is deteriorating. Doctors...
सुनसरीमा प्रहरी र आपराधिक समूहबीच गोली हानाहान, तीन घाइते

फोटो इकान्तिपुर बाट सुनसरी १७ माघ – सुनसरीको इटहरी वडा नं. १४ खनारमा सोमबार दिउँसो प्रहरी र आपराधिक गिरोहमा संलग्न व्यक्तिबीच गोली हा...
Speech Of Chitra Bahadur KC

Chairman of Rastriya Janamorcha Nepal, Chitra Bahadur KC, has said there was risk of Nepal disintegrating if hilly and Tarai regions were ...
Sarangi song at Bhuwachidi Gulmi

Dohori music is Nepali people melodies. Dohori implies from two side or an open deliberation. This level headed discussion is in beat, and...